Online self-paced courses can be started at any time. Once you begin your class you will have four months to complete it. During this time you will interact with your instructor, complete course readings, submit assignments and write exams at your own pace. All courses are 3 credits unless otherwise stated.
Courses can be taken for credit or audit. Courses taken for credit can be used to complete a degree and include instructor interaction and grading. For audit is a personal interest option with no grading or other interaction.
Course Description:
A study of the first five books of the Bible, focusing on the historical, literary, and theological features of these books, as well as establishing a strong grounding in Torah principles in preparation for interpreting the rest of Scripture.
When is it offered?
Online Education:
Always Available taught by Dr. Samuel Hildebrandt
Textbook: Exploring the Old Testament: A Guide to the Pentateuch ISBN 978-0830825516 (avaliable with a Perlego subscription)
Register here or contact for more information.
Taught Fall 2024 Term 1 (Sept. 5- Oct. 23) by Dr. Megan Roberts
To register please contact the Registrar’s office
Course Description:
A study of the books of Joshua, Judges, 1 and 2 Samuel, 1 and 2 Kings and Ezra-Nehemiah in their cultural, historical, and literary setting. Brief interaction with Ruth, Esther, and I and II Chronicles as they relate to the books associated with them. Focuses on interpretive and contextual issues, historical setting, cultural concerns, and their relevance in developing a strong biblical theology in today’s world.
Prerequisite: OT 112 Reading the Torah
When is it offered?
Online Education:
Always Available taught by Dr. Samuel Hildebrandt
Textbook: Exploring the Old Testament: A Guide to the Historical Books ISBN 978-0830853106 (avaliable with a Perlego subscription)
Register here or contact for more information.
Taught Winter 2025 Term 1 (Jan. 13- Feb. 28) by Dr. Megan Roberts
To register please contact the Registrar’s office
Course Description:
A study of Psalms, Job, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Songs, focusing on historical, literary, and theological features with special emphases on Hebrew poetry and ancient Near Eastern Wisdom literature.
Prerequisite: OT 112 Reading the Torah; OT 221 Reading the Historical Books is recommended
When is it offered?
Online Education:
Always Available taught by Dr. Samuel Hildebrandt
Textbook: Old Testament Wisdom Literature: A Theological Introduction ISBN 9781844745371 (avaliable with a Perlego subscription)
Psalms: The Prayer Book of the Bible ISBN 9780728300927
How to Read the Psalms ISBN 9780877849414
Register here or contact for more information.
Taught Fall 2024 Term 2 (Nov. 4 – Dec. 19) by Dr. Megan Roberts
To register please contact the Registrar’s office
Course Description:
A study of the Latter Prophets (Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and the Twelve), with Daniel and Lamentations, focusing on developing sensitivity to the historical, literary, and theological dimensions of these books. Class time will include discussion of the relevance of the prophetic books for contemporary critical issues.
Prerequisite: OT 221 Reading the Historical Books and OT 343 Reading the Psalms and Wisdom Literature
When is it offered?
Online Education:
Always available created by Dr. Carmen Imes instructed by Dr. Dan Cooper
Textbooks: NIV Cultural Backgrounds Study Bible ISBN 978-0310431589
Interpreting the Prophets : Reading, Understanding and Preaching from the Worlds of the Prophets ISBN 978-0830824687 (avaliable with a Perlego subscription)
Prophetic Lament: A Call for Justice in Troubles Times ISBN 978-0830836949 (avaliable with a Perlego subscription)
Register here or contact for more information.
Taught Winter Term 2 (March 10- Apr. 28) by Dr. Megan Roberts
To register please contact the Registrar’s office
Course Description:
In this course, students are introduced to the story of Jesus Christ and his earliest disciples as told by the four Gospels and the book of Acts. Students will grow in their understanding of who Jesus is as well as in their ability to interpret the Bible by attending to its literary, historical, and theological character.
When is it offered?
Online Education:
Always Available taught by Dr. Tyran Laws
Textbook: Four Portraits, One Jesus ISBN 978-0-310-22697-0, NIV Cultural Backgrounds Study Bible. Eds. Craig S. Keener and John Walton. ISBN 0310431581
Register here or contact for more information.
Taught Fall 2024 Term 2 (Nov. 4- Dec. 19) by TBA
To register please contact the Registrar’s office
Course Description:
This course is an exercise in the disciplined and attentive listening to the text of Scripture as given in Paul’s letters. Sound interpretive skills will be practiced to discern what the text meant to its first recipients and what it means for church communities today. In reading the text, more focused attention will be given to the historical/cultural situations of the letters and the ways the gospel is contextualized.
Prerequisites: NT 112 Reading the Gospels & Acts
When is it offered?
Online Education:
Always available taught by Dr. Tyran Laws
Textbook: NIV Cultural Backgrounds Study Bible. Eds. Craig S. Keener and John Walton. ISBN 0310431581
Thinking Through Paul: A Survey of His Life, Letters, and Theology. Bruce W. Longenecker and Todd D. Still. ISBN 9780310330868 (avaliable with a Perlego subscription)
Register here or contact for more information.
Taught Winter 2025 Term 2 (March 10- April 28) by TBA
To register please contact the Registrar’s office
Course Description:
In this course, students are introduced to the book of Hebrews, the Catholic epistles (James, 1, 2 Peter, 1, 2, 3, John, Jude), and the book of Revelation. This course will focus on the ways in which the earliest Christians navigated the eschatological tension between the first and second comings of Jesus. In the process, students will gain further understanding of the historical circumstances of Christians living in the late first-century Roman empire, as well as extend interpretive skills development (esp. literary analysis, canonical integration, history of interpretation, and theological appropriation).
Prerequisites: NT 221 Reading Paul’s Letters
When is it offered?
Online Education:
Always available taught by Dr. Tyran Laws
Textbook: Letters to the Church ISBN 978-0-310-26-738 (avaliable with a Perlego subscription), NIV Cultural Backgrounds Study Bible. Eds. Craig S. Keener and John Walton. ISBN 0310431581
Register here or contact for more information.
Taught Fall Term 1 (Sept. 5 – Oct. 23) by TBA
To register please contact the Registrar’s office
Course Description
This course provides an introduction to the basic grammar and vocabulary of Biblical Hebrew. The learning format is self-paced and structured around the material provided by Zondervan Academic Online Courses and a Hebrew workbook. The course instructor will monitor the learning process and students may email with questions if needed.
Course Format & Registration
Course material—including instructional videos by Miles Van Pelt, readings, interactive practice exercises, quizzes, and vocabulary review—is available online for study at your own convenience. Please note that you will need to use Google Chrome browser for correct display of the Hebrew font. Purchase of Basics of Biblical Hebrew: Workbook, 3nd Edition, is required for completion of translation assignments. You can register anytime. Once enrolled, you will have four months to complete the course.
*Note: Due to the arrangement with Zondervan, Prairie is unable to refund enrollments in this course. This course cannot be audited.
Basics of Biblical Hebrew Workbook ISBN 0310270227
Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia ISBN 139781598561623- You will be sent a copy by the Canadian Bible Society once you have started the course
Basics of Biblical Hebrew (Available within course)
Course Description
This course builds on the material and learning of Hebrew I (OT 206) and completes the introduction to the basic grammar and vocabulary of Biblical Hebrew. Preparing students to read portions of the Hebrew Bible on their own, the course offers instruction in lexical and syntactical skills with a primary focus on the Hebrew verbal system. Like Hebrew I, this course is structured around the material provided by Zondervan Academic Online Courses and a Hebrew workbook. The course instructor will monitor the learning process and students may ask questions if needed.
Prerequisite: OT 206 Introduction to Biblical Hebrew I
Course Format & Registration
Course material—including instructional videos by Miles Van Pelt, readings, interactive practice exercises, quizzes, and vocabulary review—is available online for study at your own convenience. Please note that you will need to use Google Chrome browser for correct display of the Hebrew font. Purchase of Basics of Biblical Hebrew: Workbook, 3rd Edition, is required for completion of translation assignments. You can register anytime. Once enrolled, you will have four months to complete the course.
*Note: Due to the arrangement with Zondervan, Prairie is unable to refund enrollments in this course. This course cannot be audited.
Basics of Biblical Hebrew Workbook ISBN 0310270227
Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia ISBN 139781598561623- You will be sent a copy by the Canadian Bible Society once you have started the course
Basics of Biblical Hebrew (Available within course)
This course provides an introduction to the grammar of Biblical Greek with special emphasis on learning the vocabulary and basic grammatical forms necessary to read and study the New Testament in its original language.
Course Format & Registration
All course material—including instructional videos by William D. Mounce, audio recordings, readings, and vocabulary exercises and review—is available online for study at your own convenience. The textbook, Basics of Biblical Greek, 4th Edition, is integrated into the online material. You can register anytime. Once enrolled, you will have four months to complete the course.
*Note: Due to the arrangement with Zondervan, Prairie is unable to refund enrollments in this course. This course cannot be audited.
Textbook is included in online course.
Introduction to Biblical Greek II picks up where Introduction to Biblical Greek I leaves off, digging deeper into the vocabulary and grammar of New Testament Greek.
Offered in partnership with Zondervan and BibleMesh, this course will allow you to gain (a) more extensive knowledge of Greek verbs and their various forms, (b) confidence in your growing knowledge through unit assessments and cutting-edge vocabulary building tools, and (c) the foundational knowledge required to begin studying the New Testament in its original language.
Prerequisite: NT 206 Introduction to Biblical Greek I
Course Format & Registration
All course material—including instructional videos by William D. Mounce, audio recordings, readings, and vocabulary exercises and review—is available online for study at your own convenience. The textbook, Basics of Biblical Greek, 4th Edition, is integrated into the online material. You can register anytime. Once enrolled, you will have four months to complete the course.
*Note: Due to the arrangement with Zondervan, Prairie is unable to refund enrollments in this course. This course cannot be audited.
Textbook included in online course.
Course Description:
This course introduces students to the biblical, doctrinal, philosophical and historical “big picture” outlines of the Christian faith. The course aims to equip students with the skills to develop a Christian mind by assisting them in constructing a theological foundation for thinking and dealing with life’s most important issues. This course will also enable students to begin to think theologically and to construct a Christian worldview for the edification of the community of faith and to the glory of the almighty God whom we serve.
Online Education:
Always Available taught by Dr. Bill Nyman
Textbook: What Christians Ought to Believe: An Introduction to Christian Doctrine Through the Apostle’s Creed ISBN 9780310520924 (available with a Perlego subscription)
Plain Theology: An Introduction to Christian Doctrine ISBN 9781636483283
Register here or contact for more information.
Taught Fall 2024 Term 2 (Nov. 4- Dec. 19) by Dr. Ray Yeo
To register please contact the Registrar’s office
Course Description:
A systematic orientation to the centre of Christian theology—the life of the Triune God. This course will cover the doctrines of God, Trinity, Christ, the Holy Spirit, and Revelation. It will also consider questions of method, including the sources and norms of theology. The discipline of theology will be approached as a practice of the church, both local and global, carried out for the benefit of the church’s life, its proclamation, and its service to the world.
Prerequisite: TH 100 Introduction to Christian Theology
Online Education:
Always Available: created by Dr. Ray Yeo instructed by Dr. Bill Nyman
Textbook: Deep Things of God: How the Trinity Changes Everything ISBN 9781433556371 (available with a Perlego subscription) The Mosaic of Christian Belief ISBN 9780830851256 (avaliable with a Perlego subscription)
Register here or contact for more information.
Taught Winter 2025 (Jan. 13 – April 28) and Winter 2025 Term 2 (March 10 – April 10) by Dr. Bill Nyman
To register please contact the Registrar’s office
Course Description:
The purpose of this course, following TH 210, is to provide a systematic orientation to the second half of the field of Christian theology—God’s creation. This course will cover the doctrines of creation, humanity, sin, salvation, church and last things. The discipline of theology will be approached as a practice of the church, both local and global, carried out for the benefit of the church’s life, its proclamation and its service to the world.
Prerequisite: TH 210 The God of the Gospel
Online Education:
Always Available taught by Dr. Bill Nyman
From Eden to the New Jerusalem ISBN 978-0825420153
The Mosaic of Christian Belief ISBN 978-0830851256 (available with a Perlego subscription)
The Great Divorce ISBN 978-0060652951
Register here or contact for more information.
Fall 2024 (Sept. 5- Dec. 19) by Dr. Ray Yeo
To register please contact the Registrar’s office
Course Description:
Deepens and expands the introduction to apologetics given in HF 111 Thinking and Writing. Examines various methodologies as well as objections and issues students are likely to encounter. Students gain familiarity with the evidences for the factuality of Christianity and learn how to refute non-Christian systems of thought. They are encouraged to develop a more incarnational (life-style) apologetic.
TH 210 The God of the Gospel and either HF 110 Written Composition or HF 111 Thinking and Writing
Online Education:
Always available taught by Dr. Bill Nyman
Thinking About Apologetics ISBN 9780830839452 (available with a Perlego subscription)
Five Views on Apologetics ISBN 9780310224761
The End of Apologetics ISBN 9780801035982 (available with a Perlego subscription)
Register here or contact for more information.
HyFlex: not available
Course Description:
This course will look at God’s mission and the biblical foundation for doing mission-–including the nature and purpose of God, mission in the Old and New Testament, the essential missionary task, and the instruments of mission. We will also examine a number of contemporary models/paradigms/theologies of mission.
Prerequisite: TH 100 Introduction to Christian Theology
Online Education:
Always Available taught by Dr. Ernie Koop
Textbook: There are no textbooks for this course
Register here or contact for more information.
HyFlex: Winter 2025 Term 1 (Jan. 13- Feb. 28)
Textbooks: see the Library webpage for a current textbook list
To register please contact the Registrar’s office
Course Description:
You will be challenged toward intentional pursuit of a love relationship with God as a faithful discipleship response to His person and work. The course content will explore a Christian spiritual theology and practice, not as a formula or recipe, but rather as a transformational relationship with the triune God in which you have both responsibilities and privileges. The course is designed to stretch beyond a cognitive/intellectual exercise so that you will be encouraged to actively engage in the whole-hearted pursuit of relationship with God, both inside and outside of the classroom. The anticipated result is that you will know God more deeply, relate to Him as one intimately known by Him, and desire to make Him known to others.
Online Education:
Always Available taught by Al Mertes
One Life ISBN 978-0310277-668
Sacred Pathways ISBN 9780310329886 (available with a Perlego subscription)
Celebration of Discipline ISBN 978-0060-62839-0 (available with a Perlego subscription)
Register here or contact for more information.
HyFlex (ST 105):
Fall 2024 Term 1 (Sept. 5- Oct. 23) and Winter 2025 (Jan. 13- April 28)
Textbooks: see the Library webpage for a current textbook list
To register please contact the Registrar’s office
Course Description:
This course focuses on helping students bring the living Word of God to the world and the church in effective and creative ways. A significant aspect of the course is to address important issues in biblical, historical and theological exegesis. In addition, the course would also help students develop a broad theological and practical framework for the ministry of the Word of God within the modern world and the life of the church.
Prerequisite: One of NT 221 Reading Paul’s Letters, NT 351 Reading Hebrews to Revelation, OT 221 Reading the Historical Books, OT 343 Reading the Psalms and Wisdom Literature, TH 210 The God of the Gospel
Online Education:
Always Avaiable created by Dr. Ray Yeo instructed by Dr. Dan Cooper
Textbooks: All required readings for the course are availabe in the course.
HyFlex: Winter 2025 Term 1 (Jan. 13 – Feb. 28)
Textbooks: see the Library webpage for a current textbook list
To register please contact the Registrar’s office
Course Description:
This course focuses on a critical examination of the many opposing views which will undoubtedly be encountered in the workplace and even in our churches. We are to critically engage with different but relevant viewpoints. Through proper and prayerful argumentation and thorough research, we are able to counter contrary positions using a variety of writing, skills to critically analyze a variety of resources helpful in research, components of a good argument useful in the apologetic task and the mechanics of writing. All assignments will be graded on content, spelling and grammar.
Online Education:
Always Available taught by Dr. Bill Nyman.
Why People Don’t Believe ISBN 9780801013775
Mere Christianity ISBN 9780060652920 (available with a Perlego subscription)
A Little Primer on Humble Apologetics ISBN 9780830833825
Register here or contact for more information.
Course Description:
This course provides an accurate measure of your fitness at the beginning of the course. Throughout the course you will be introduced to and participate in various physical activities designed to improve your personal fitness level. The final grade will be based upon completion of a personal workout program, improved fitness based on pre and post fitness testing, and completion of course readings.
Online Education:
Always Available taught by Tim Fodor
Textbook: Conditioning for Outdoor Fitness ISBN 9780898867565
Register here or contact for more information.
HyFlex: Not available
Course Description:
This course covers, in survey fashion, the events and themes which make up the early part of the story of the western world. The chronological range extends from the period of the earliest known ancient near eastern civilizations through to the end of the medieval period (mid-15th century) in Europe. While related historical events in other parts of the globe will be used as reference points, the primary geographical stage will be the regions of the Middle East, the Mediterranean basin and the wider European subcontinent. The course focuses on key events, people and ideas which played a formative role in developing this collective entity referred to as Western Civilization.
Prerequisite: HF 111 Thinking and Writing
Online Education:
Available May 1 – Nov. 30 2024, May 1 – June 30 2025 taught by Dr. James Enns
Textbook: The Western World: A Narrative History ISBN 9780134956237*
*May take time to ship
Register here or contact for more information.
Winter 2025 Term 1 (Jan. 13- Feb. 28) taught by Dr. James Enns
Textbooks: see the Library webpage for a current textbook list
To register please contact the Registrar’s office
Course Description:
This course picks up the narrative of western civilization where HF 231 left off. It covers the period from the late Middle Ages to the late 20th century. Two key questions which the course seeks to answer are: 1) what is modernity? and 2) how has it formed western civilization and then the world beyond the West? Or, ‘How did the West become the West?’ While using political events as the primary reference points in mapping the historical narrative, the course will also examine a variety of other cultural events, people and movements which formed the spirit of the age. These include: religious/philosophical ideas, especially as they are expressed in art, architecture, music and literature; developments in the fields of science and commerce; and key social institutions/practices. Students will also practice the craft of history by producing an historical account of their own.
Prerequisite: HF 111 Thinking and Writing
Online Education:
Available June 1 – July. 31 2024, January 1 – June 30 2025 taught by Dr. James Enns
Textbook: The Western World: A Narrative History ISBN 9780134956237*
*May take time to ship
Register here or contact for more information.
Fall 2024 Term 2 (Nov. 4- Dec. 19) taught by Dr. James Enns
Textbooks: see the Library webpage for a current textbook list
To register please contact the Registrar’s office
Course Description:
This course describes and analyzes the range and nature of Christian expression around the world. This will be done in three ways: 1) by briefly describing the four main streams of Christianity evident today; 2) by examining the variety of expressions of indigenous Christianity in the various geographical regions of the globe, and major challenges Christians face in each region; and 3) by getting a brief introduction or how Christianity spread from its Hebrew roots in Palestine to becoming a global faith which is known today as World Christianity (Christianity whose agenda is no longer determined by churches in the nations of the West). The underlying question for Christians living in the West is, ‘What is our place and role in this recently altered global landscape of Christianity?’ This course will offer some possible answers to that question.
Online Education:
Always Available taught by Dr. Emma Karin Emgard
Textbook: Great Commission Great Compassion: Following Jesus and Loving the World ISBN 978-083084437-1 (available with a Perlego subscription)
The Justice Calling: Where Passion Meets Perseverance ISBN 978-1587433993
On the Way With Jesus: A Passion for Mission ISBN 0836194152
Register here or contact for more information.
Winter 2025 Term 2 (March 10- April 28) taught by Dr. James Enns
Textbooks: see the Library webpage for a current textbook list
To register please contact the Registrar’s office
Course Description:
An introduction to the major psychological perspectives on human behaviour and cognitive processes including sensation, perception, learning, memory, cognition, human development, motivation, emotion, personality, health, disorders and therapy. Psychological principles are discussed in light of a Christian worldview and their contribution to a broader understanding of human behaviour.
Online Education:
Available June 1 – July 31 2024, Jan. 1 – June 30 2025 taught by Kevin Peters
Textbook: Exploring Psychology in Modules 11th ed. ISBN 1319129676
Register here or contact for more information.
Fall 2024 Term 2 (Nov. 4- Dec. 19) taught by Kevin Peters
Textbooks: see the Library webpage for a current textbook list
To register please contact the Registrar’s office
Course Description:
An introduction to the major psychological perspectives on human behaviour and cognitive processes including sensation, perception, learning, memory, cognition, human development, motivation, emotion, personality, health, disorders and therapy. Psychological principles are discussed in light of a Christian worldview and their contribution to a broader understanding of human behaviour.
Online Education:
Always Available
Textbook: Sociology 9th (Canadian Edition) ISBN 9780134308043 – also available to rent
Register here or contact for more information.
HyFlex: Not available
Course Description:
This introductory course will assist in nurturing leadership character, convictions and competencies. The foundational content will explore a theology and philosophy of leadership, investigate the formation of a Christian leader and survey the primary tasks of leadership. Building on this foundation, you will receive contextualized training for the specific leadership ministry in which you will be serving during the academic year. You will be challenged toward becoming a godly influencer of others.
Online Education:
Always Available taught by Dr. Char Bates
Textbook: The Leader’s Palette: Seven Primary Colors. 978-1-44497-8392-1
The Contrarian’s Guide to Leadership ISBN 0787955876
One of:
How I Changed My Mind About Women in Leadership ISBN 9780310293156
Neither Complementarian nor Egalitarian: A Kingdom Corrective to the Evangelical Gender Debate. 9780801039577
Register here or contact for more information.
Summer 2024 Aug. 24- Sept. 3 taught by Dr. Glenn Loewen and Mark Maxwell
Textbooks: see the Library webpage for a current textbook list
To register please contact the Registrar’s office
This course is an introductory overview of Cultural Anthropology- the study of human beings from a holistic perspective. We will study theory, insights, and methods used to understand people and their relationships in human cultures. We will learn to understand some basic rationale for different ways of life and how to apply general anthropological knowledge and skills to everyday life in Canada or overseas. The topics include the concept of culture, world view, social organization (kinship, economic, social groups, political, and religious/ideological organization), communication, life cycle, expressive culture, and change.
Online Education:
Always Available taught by Dr. Mike Schmidt
Textbooks: Kottak, C.P. Cultural Anthropology. ISBN 978-0077861537
Register here or contact for more information.
Winter 2025 Term 2 (March 10- April 28)
Textbooks: see the Library webpage for current textbook list
To register please contact the Registrar’s office
Course Description:
This course surveys the historical development of scientific thought, primarily in the western
tradition, from its classical origins up to the twentieth century. While the course does examine
major figures and their scientific achievements, it does not do so in the context of “science as the
inevitable march from primitivism to progress” i.e. science as the continuous accumulation of
knowledge and mastery of the natural world. Rather these events will be studied in the context of
the prevailing worldview or philosophical paradigm which provided the framework for scientific
inquiry and discovery in various cultural periods. As such particular attention will be given to the
interplay between philosophical–religious and scientific ideas.
Online Education:
Available May 1 – July 30 2024, Jan. 1 – June 30 2025 taught by Dr. James Enns
Textbooks: The Beginnings of Western Science 2nd Ed. ISBN 978-0226482057 (available with a Perlego subscription)
Making Modern Science: a Historical Survey ISBN 978-0226365763 (available with a Perlego subscription)
Register here or contact for more information.
Fall 2024 Term 1 (Sept. 5 – Oct. 23)
Textbooks: see the Library webpage for a current textbook list
To register please contact the Registrar’s office
Course Description:
Beginning with the concepts of human growth and development, this course will present the major theories of human physical, cognitive, psychosocial, moral and faith development. As an integral part of the study of the theoretical concepts regarding human development, the biblical nature of theories will be evaluated. As well, the role of culture and the nature and influence of cultural diversity are included as topics of study. The implications and applications of the concepts of human development for teaching and ministering form a significant portion of this course.
Prerequisite: SS 210 Introduction to Psychology
Online Education:
Available May 1 – Nov. 30 2024 taught by Kevin Peters.
Lifespan Development 7th Canadian Ed. Toronto: Pearson Education, 2021. (eTextbook only)
Register here or contact for more information.
Winter 2025 Term 2 (March 10- April 28)
Textbooks: see the Library webpage for a current textbook list
To register please contact the Registrar’s office
Course Description:
A basic understanding of the beliefs, doctrines, and practices of the major world religions will allow Christians to be more effective in their witness for Christ in today’s multicultural world. After a survey of the ideas, philosophy, doctrine, and major practices of the main religions we will discuss how our Gospel witness can be/should be contextualized to people from a particular world religion. We will not include Christianity or Judaism in our study.
Online Education:
Always available taught by Dr. Emma Karin Emgard
Textbooks: Introducing World Religions: A Christian Engagement ISBN: 9781540964915 (available with a Perlego subscription)
Encountering World Religions: A Christian Introduction ISBN: 9780310588603 (available with a Perlego subscription)
Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus: A Devout Muslim Encounters Christianity ISBN: 9780310092643
Register here or contact for more information.
Fall 2024 Term 1 (Sept. 5- Oct. 23) by Dr. Mike Schmidt
Textbooks: see the Library webpage for a current textbook list
To register please contact the Registrar’s office
Course Description:
In this course, we will deal with foundational principles for communication between people from different cultures. You will learn to be aware of the influence of thinking processes, worldviews, plus verbal and non-verbal behaviours. We will also cover aspects of anxiety and uncertainty that everyone faces when communicating with someone from a different culture. Most of the assignments will relate to you applying the teaching to your own interaction in your host nation.
Online Education:
Always Available taught by Dr. Emma Karin Emgard
Textbooks: Things Fall Apart ISBN 978-0385667838
Cross-Cultural Conflict ISBN 978-0830816577
Effective Intercultural Communication ISBN 978-0801026638 (available with a Perlego subscription)
Register here or contact for more information.
Not offered this year.
Textbooks: see the Library webpage for a current textbook list
To register please contact the Registrar’s office
Course Description:
An orientation to gospel coaching in its relation to ministry; in-class and out of class practicum involves small group coaching networks and observation. Students will discover that coaching comes from whom God has shaped us and come to appreciate gospel language in the ministry life of Jesus.
Online Education:
Always Available taught by Roger Helland
Textbooks: Gospel Coach ISBN 9780310494324
Gospel Coach Workbook ISBN 9780615972237
Register here or contact for more information.
HyFlex offered as PA 106: Pastoral Care and Coaching
Winter 2025 Term (Jan. 13- Feb 28)
Textbooks: see the Library webpage for a current textbook list
To register please contact the Registrar’s office
Course Description:
An introduction to contemporary youth and pastoral ministry. Students will examine youth and church culture, various models of youth and pastoral ministry, the biblical and theological foundations for reaching and discipling today’s youth and families as well as a short study on the history of youth ministry. The areas of programming, teaching, recruiting, volunteers, and administration, developing relationships with students and families, and personal care in ministry will also be covered.
Online Education:
Always Available taught by Kelly Steffen
Textbooks: Jesus Driven Ministry ISBN 9781581348514 (available with a Perlego subscription)
Old Path, New Power: Awakening Your Church ISBN 9780802414465 (available with a Perlego subscription)
Register here or contact for more information.
HyFlex (listed as PA 165 Equipping for Pastoral Ministry):
Fall 2024 Term 1 (Sept. 5 – Oct 23)
Textbooks: see the Library webpage for a current textbook list
To register please contact the Registrar’s office
Course Description:
An orientation to the art of Biblical preaching and teaching; students will become
familiar with foundations elements of sermon construction. Learners will become skilled
in their personal style and develop regular weekly messages that they will preach and
teach in real life environments with different methods such as S.C.O.R.R.E., MWGYW,
Online Education:
Always Available taught by Kelly Steffen
Textbooks: Preaching God’s Word: A Hands-On Approach to Preparing, Developing and Delivering the Sermon ISBN 978-0310248873
Secrets of Dynamic Communications ISBN 9780849921902
Communicating for a Change ISBN 978-1-59052-2 (available with a Perlego subscription)
Register here or contact for more information.
HyFlex offered as PA 312: Winter 2025 Term 1 (Jan. 13- Feb. 28)
Textbooks: see the Library webpage for a current textbook list
To register please contact the Registrar’s office
Course Description:
This is an advanced preaching course designed to help equip each student in the preparation and delivery of expositor, Christ-centered, Bible messages empowered by the Holy Spirit, expressed from the heart, properly interpreted according to a various biblical genres, with bare notes, as an act of worship for God’s glory. Acts 6:4 is a foundation text. To achieve optimum benefit, this course is a learning experince designed for a 13-week period.
Prerequisite: PA 211 Passionate Preaching and Teaching.
Online Education:
Instrucutor: Dr. Roger Helland
Always Available
Textbooks: The Supremacy of God in Preaching ISBN 978-0801017087
Preaching God’s Word: A Hands-On Approach to Preparing, Developing and Delivering the Sermon ISBN 978-0310536246
Register here or contact for more information.
HyFlex: Not offered
Course Description:
This course focuses on a Biblical understanding and appreciation of God, as a missional God and the church as God’s missional agent in the world. Explores the genesis and development of new initiatives as a substantial ministry in the life of a Christ follower. Students will have hands-on training and study in the observation, development, and rebirth of new missional initiatives. As well, students will formulate a personal missional philosophy for ministry. The pastoral core competencies of evangelism and leadership stem from this course.
Online Education:
Always Available taught by Kelly Steffen
Textbooks: Building a Discipleship Culture ISBN 978-0982452103
The Tangible Kingdom ISBN 978-0470188979 (avaliable with a Perlego subscription)
Small is Big, Slow is Fast ISBN 978-0310517016
Register here or contact for more information.
HyFlex: offered each spring as a road trip course.
Course Description:
An introduction to contemporary youth and pastoral ministry. Students will examine youth and church culture, various models of youth and pastoral ministry, the biblical and theological foundations for reaching and discipling today’s youth and families as well as a short study on the history of youth ministry. The areas of programming, teaching, recruiting, volunteers, administration, developing relationships with students and families, and personal care in ministry will also be covered.
Online Education:
Always Available taught by Al Mertes
Textbooks: The 9: Best Practices for Youth Ministry ISBN 9780764441349
Youth Ministry 3.0 ISBN 9780310668664
The Core Realities of Youth Ministries ISBN 9780310255130 (avaliable with a Perlego subscription)
Register here or contact for more information.
HyFlex offered as YO 155: Fall 2024 Term 1 (Sept. 5- Oct 23)
Textbooks: see the Library webpage for a current textbook list
To register please contact the Registrar’s office
Course Description:
This course examines the teaching methodology of Jesus in principles and practice for teachers of youth. Students will be introduced to curriculum design and teaching methods that will help them become more effective teachers. We will explore several teaching styles that bring lessons to life with feeling and impact.
Online Education:
Always Available taught by Al Mertes
Textbooks: Teaching Like Jesus ISBN 978-0310223474
Creative Teaching Methods ISBN 978-0781452564 (avaliable with a Perlego subscription)
Register here or contact for more information.
HyFlex offered as YO 240: Fall 2024 Term 1 (Sept. 5- Oct. 23)
Textbooks: see the Library webpage for a current textbook list
To register please contact the Registrar’s office
Course Description:
This course will examine various styles and philosophies of youth ministry along with a comprehensive tour of Alberta churches and parachurch organizations.
Prerequisite: YO 224 Creative Teaching Methods
Online Education:
Always Available taught by Al Mertes
Textbooks: Youth Ministry in the 21st Century ISBN 9780801049675 (avaliable with a Perlego subscription)
Meet Generation Z ISBN 9780801017018
Register here or contact for more information.
HyFlex: this course is offered as a module course during the spring semester. Contact the Registrar’s office for more information
Course Description:
This course is designed as a capstone course to cover various topics found in the church and parachurch ministry. This course will look at current trends and issues as they relate to youth/pastoral ministry. Students will also assist in the research and presentation of course topics related to present and future ministry.
Online Education:
Always Available taught by Al Mertes
Textbooks: Leading from the Second Chair ISBN 9780787977399 (avaliable with a Perlego subscription)
Your First Two Years in Youth Ministry ISBN 9780310240457
Register here or contact for more information.
HyFlex offered as YO 482: Winter 2025 Term 2 (March 10- April 28)
Textbooks: see the Library webpage for a current textbook list
To register please contact the Registrar’s office
Course Description:
This class covers the fundamentals of financial accounting including its purposes, analyses, and limitations. Students will experience what it is to build and use an accounting system while learning about the basic types of information used in the construction of financial statements.
Online Education:
Always available taught by Dr. Gary Schmidt
Textbooks: Cagan, Michele. Accounting 101: From Calculating Revenues and Profits to Determining Assets and Liabilities, an Essential Guide to Accounting Basics. Adam Media, 2017. ISBN 978-1507202920
Cox, Kylie. Quickbooks Desktop Pro 2022 Starter Guide. Tektime, 2022. ISBN 978-8835442110
Register here or contact for more information.
HyFlex: Winter 2025 Term 2 (March 10- April 28, 202)
Textbooks: see the Library webpage for a current textbook list
To register please contact the Registrar’s office
Course Description:
This course is intended to introduce and lay a foundation for the rest of our business program. Firstly then, students will develop practical competencies in management with the lens of Scripturally-grounded theology regarding God’s view of work and in particular, the work of management. Biblical Management involves the skills, knowledge and character needed to lead a business (or any other organization) in ways that glorify God and fulfill His purposes. Students will be prepared for management through self-examination in light of biblical perspectives on topics like roles, motivation, conflict, competition, leadership and wealth.
Online Education:
Always available taught by Dr. Gary Schmidt
Textbooks: Leman, Kevin, and William Pentak. 2004. The Way of the Shepherd. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan. 978-0310250975
Lencioni, Patrick M. 2002. The Five Dysfunctions of a Team. J-D Lencioni Series. London, England: Jossey-Bass. 978-0787960759 (Available on Perlego)
Register here or contact for more information.
HyFlex: Jan. 13- March 1, 2025
Textbooks: see the Library webpage for a current textbook list.
To register please contact the Registrar’s office
Don’t see what you need? Please get in touch with us!
If you have any questions about transcripts, transfers, or course registration, contact us.
Phone: 1.800.785.4226
Fax: 403.443.3027
Box 4000
Three Hills, AB T0M 2N0
Phone: 403.443.5511
TollFree: 1.800.661.2425
2024 © Prairie College
All rights reserved
March is free application month! Canadian and US students can apply for free with promo code MARCH25.
Fall 2025 (September start) and Online Education (start anytime) applications are open.
Prairie welcomes applications from individuals all around the world! To begin the International Student Application please click the link below.
If you are applying for the Master of Christian Ministry Leadership or the Master of Global Christian Educational Leadership please click the link below.
Tell us a bit about yourself and an admissions representative will be in touch shortly!
We have launched our Campaign for Greater Impact to provide students with the very best learning opportunities and campus facilities for the decades ahead.
In Phase One of this Campaign, we plan to invest in much-needed campus renewal, including: upgraded Infrastructure, a new Student Residence, Cafeteria, Worship Auditorium, and expanded Aviation Training Centre. A modern campus requires an investment that is bold, and even expensive, but each Campaign Project is strategic, and designed to enhance Prairie’s campus and student life experience.
This expansion of PATC’s facility is a key project of Prairie’s Campaign for Greater Impact. It will increase the College’s capacity to train a new generation of Christian aviators to serve God in missions, and also address the growing need for trained pilots in the commercial aviation sector.
Invest in the next generation of missional professionals. Each year Prairie College distributes over $500,000 in scholarships and bursaries to students. We are grateful for each gift that reduces the burden of students’ tuition and allows students to fulfill their God-given professions.
Encourage inmates in five institutions across Alberta to discover or reconnect with Jesus Christ. This fund assists the students studying the Certificate in Bible program with scholarships, resources for classes, and instruction.
Prairie College is educating students to pursue a Biblical foundation for life and career. Your contribution to this fund assists in minimizing the College’s general operating expenses.
To allocate your gift, please select one of the donation buttons below.