Connecting Your Workplace to Our Students
Prairie students have been impacting communities around the globe for the past 100 years
A Legacy of Impactful work
Covering the Entire Canon:
- We are the only North American college to offer a study of the complete canon in undergraduate programs. The Bible is the foundation of our worldview: how we see ourselves, our vocation and work.
International Impact:
- International perspective which is represented in the 146 countries that Prairie graduates have worked in, but also in our Globetrek program which is an international internship spanning an entire academic year. Every program has a study abroad component. It is our mission to plant a heart for the world in our students, but also to give them cultural competencies to flourish in a variety of environments.
Focus on Discipleship:
- Discipleship is a core value. We have linked alumni to current students as mentors. With the 16:1 classroom ratio, our professors have opportunities to disciple students more effectively.
Post a Position
Do you have an opening? Access our job board here or below. If you have a poster or promotional material please drop it off at reception or the Career and Calling Office FH 248. Lastly, if you are interested in participating in our Global Connection Conference which is a global job fair held in March, please contact careers@prairie.edu to begin the discussion. We are looking to have representatives from various industries present to discuss possibilities with students.
Employer Resources
- We have internships built into every program here at Prairie. If you are interested in having a Prairie student invest in your business or organization please contact careers@prarie.edu to begin the process.
Incentives and Tax Credits for Employers:
Student Work Placement Program gives post-secondary students across Canada paid work experience related to their field of study.
Innovation Employment Grant allows eligible corporations to claim a 20% refundable tax credit, up to $4 million per year for qualified expenditures on scientific research and experimental development (SR&ED) performed in Alberta. Qualified expenditures include salaries and wages of employees directly engaged in SR&ED.
Film and Television Tax Credit offers a refundable Alberta tax credit certificate on eligible Alberta production and labour costs to corporations that produce films, television series and other eligible screen-based productions in the province. Applicants may apply for either a 22% or 30% tax credit rate.
Canada Summer Jobs is an initiative by the Government of Canada for eligible not-for-profit organizations, public-sector employers and small businesses (50 or fewer employees) who create summer job opportunities for full-time students aged 15 to 30 intending to return to their studies in the next school year.
Canada Alberta Job Grant: Eligible employers are required to contribute a minimum of one-third of the total training costs for existing employees. Government contributes two-thirds of the cost to a maximum of $10,000 per trainee per fiscal year. If hiring and training an unemployed Albertan, up to 100% of training costs could be covered, up to $15,000 per trainee.
countries where Prairie grads have worked.
International internships available in every program.
one on one career advising sessions/and or mock interviews last year.
of Prairie students had resume and/or cover letter help in 2024.