Prairie College strives to provide a safe learning environment that supports fair treatment of all members of its community and is conducive to relationships based on biblical teaching, mutual respect, cooperation and understanding. Prairie does not condone behavior that undermines the dignity, self-esteem, or productivity of any student, staff member or faculty member.
All members of the Prairie community have a responsibility to ensure that the human rights of such members are not violated.Such violation shall include the psychological violence of harassment and the physical violence of assault.Any occurrence considered to be a violation of this policy involving community members may properly be considered under this policy, whether it occurs on or off campus or during or beyond school hours.
Potential victims are encouraged to report any abuse, harassment or assault immediately to the appropriate authority.
If Trapped in Smoke
If Trapped in a Room
When to Use an Extinguisher
Only use an extinguisher to attempt to extinguish a small fire and only if you have been trained to use an extinguisher. An extinguisher can be used to suppress a fire that blocks your exist from the building.
Remember PASS, the four basic steps to operating a fire extinguisher:
P: Pull the pin
A: Aim the extinguisher hose at the base of the fire
S: Squeeze from side to side
S: Sweep from side to side
Building Evacuation
Emergency or Urgent Medical Situations
Call 403.443.3020 to report an electrical power failure, gas line break, heating emergency or water main break. Do not use candles for lighting. Emergency lighting for exit routes will activate in a power outage.
Unplug electrical equipment including computers. If, necessary activate the building fire alarm to evacuate the building. Do not use the elevator.
Notify Campus Safety of the location of any persons trapped in an elevator.
If you discover a Hazardous Material Spill
Call 911 immediately
Call campus security 403.443.3033
Lock down involves staying inside a secure location and NOT evacuating. Do NOT sound the fire alarm. Immediately secure yourself and others in your area in a room by locking the doors or barricading the doors with available objects Lock and cover windows. Turn off lights and audio equipment. Stay away from windows.
Keep classrooms and other places of refuge secure until police arrive and give you directions. Stay out of open areas and be as quiet as possible.
Be Patient. Time is on your side. Follow instructions and be alert.
Items that may make it Suspicious
If you receive a Suspicious Letter or Package
Do not open it. Isolate it by keeping others out of the area. Call Campus Safety or Campus Security.
Severe Thunderstorm Warning
If you can hear thunder you are within striking distance for lighting.
Seek sturdy indoor shelter and stay away from windows.
Do not touch anything that conducts electricity.
Tornado Watches
Check on-line weather reports. Be prepared to evacuate to one of the following shelter areas:
The Residence Halls – go to the first floor hallway.
MWA and Founder’s Hall – go to first floor of the MWA Building and stay in the hallway.
Oasis/Dining Hall – go to the basement and stay in the hallway.
RDAC – Go to the change rooms.
Maxwell Centre – go to MX 111 (the Nurses Debrief Room).
Steam Plant – Go into the tunnel.
Davidson Apartments – go to the middle of the basement hallway.
Tornado Warnings
Upon notification proceed to above noted shelter area and notify others you meet to do the same. Do not use elevators. Assist those with disabilities to the safest area on the floor (interior corridor, room, office).
After the threat is received:
Checklist to gather useful information from caller:
– Date: ____________ Time: _____________
– Caller’s Sex: M F Age: ________________
– Caller’s Identity: _____________________
– Describe the caller:
– Voice – loud; fast; calm; high pitch; deep; distorted
– Speech – stutter; fair; coherent; raspy; slurred; nasal
– Language – good; deliberate; slow; poor; accent
– Manner – righteous; pleasant; angry; irrational
Box 4000
Three Hills, AB T0M 2N0
Phone: 403.443.5511
TollFree: 1.800.661.2425
2024 © Prairie College
All rights reserved
March is free application month! Canadian and US students can apply for free with promo code MARCH25.
Fall 2025 (September start) and Online Education (start anytime) applications are open.
Prairie welcomes applications from individuals all around the world! To begin the International Student Application please click the link below.
If you are applying for the Master of Christian Ministry Leadership or the Master of Global Christian Educational Leadership please click the link below.
Tell us a bit about yourself and an admissions representative will be in touch shortly!
We have launched our Campaign for Greater Impact to provide students with the very best learning opportunities and campus facilities for the decades ahead.
In Phase One of this Campaign, we plan to invest in much-needed campus renewal, including: upgraded Infrastructure, a new Student Residence, Cafeteria, Worship Auditorium, and expanded Aviation Training Centre. A modern campus requires an investment that is bold, and even expensive, but each Campaign Project is strategic, and designed to enhance Prairie’s campus and student life experience.
This expansion of PATC’s facility is a key project of Prairie’s Campaign for Greater Impact. It will increase the College’s capacity to train a new generation of Christian aviators to serve God in missions, and also address the growing need for trained pilots in the commercial aviation sector.
Invest in the next generation of missional professionals. Each year Prairie College distributes over $500,000 in scholarships and bursaries to students. We are grateful for each gift that reduces the burden of students’ tuition and allows students to fulfill their God-given professions.
Encourage inmates in five institutions across Alberta to discover or reconnect with Jesus Christ. This fund assists the students studying the Certificate in Bible program with scholarships, resources for classes, and instruction.
Prairie College is educating students to pursue a Biblical foundation for life and career. Your contribution to this fund assists in minimizing the College’s general operating expenses.
To allocate your gift, please select one of the donation buttons below.