As a post-secondary institution, our mission is to help establish God’s Kingdom by equipping and mentoring individuals through biblically integrated education for life and careers that will meet the greatest needs of the world for the glory of God. Behind the scenes, there is a team dedicated to maintaining strong relationships with our alumni and donors who continue to support that mission.
The Prairie Alumni Association strives to facilitate effective communication between the alumni and friends of Prairie and the College itself. Connecting, sharing and caring are all part of this. We encourage you to participate in the Prairie Community by staying in touch, praying, giving, referring new students, and promoting Prairie in your area.
Who is a member of the Prairie Alumni Association?
Membership is automatic and free if you are one of the following:
Free subscription to SERVANT
Free subscription to the monthly e-newsletter updates from the Alumni Office.
If you are not receiving either of these publications by mail or email, please update your contact information to ensure you will receive the future editions. Update Your Contact Information Here
Term Life or Critical Illness Insurance group plans through Industrial Alliance.
Prairie College is using Right Now Media for our on-campus IMPACT Groups and their Bible studies. It is also available to you, our alumni and friends, as a gift. You will get FULL-ACCESS to all that RightNow Media has to offer. Sign up HERE to get immediate access.
Assistance in coordinating class reunions and establishing area chapters in your region. Contact with inquiries or questions.
Us at Prairie College
Please email us with your questions and comments at or call 403-443-5511 ext 283.
Dana Rekow – Washington
If you live in the United States of America, we now have a Representative in the Washington State area. Contact Dana Rekow if you want information about alumni gatherings.
Keep us current on your contact information — address, phone number, e-mail address, etc. — and what you have been doing since your time at Prairie.
Please contact us whenever any of your information changes or if you’d like to subscribe/unsubscribe to/from any of our mailing lists.
As well, please feel free to e-mail us with newsletters, updates, prayer requests, questions, or comments at or by phone at 1-403-443-5511 ext. 283.
We’re implementing a new form to help you with a process we’ve had in place for some time now. Basically, for you to contact one of your fellow alumni, Prairie must ask your permission to release your information to them.
This form is here to help you with that, but if you have any questions, contact us at or phone 403-443-5511 ext 283.
Transcripts can be requested from the Registrar’s office by printing the transcript request form and returning it by mail, email, or fax to the address in the form instructions. Due to privacy laws, your physical signature is required. Transcripts are $10 each.
We love our alumni and want to keep in touch with you to let you know we appreciate you. We have several different subscription options for you to choose from to help facilitate your walk with Christ in the way he has created you.
Athletics Newsletter
Do you love sports? We’ll keep you updated on how our Prairie Pilots are doing this season.
Class Reunion Email
Each year we host a reunion here on campus, usually celebrating with classes that are 30, 40, 50 or 60 years after their graduation year. Sign up and we’ll keep you posted!
Prairie Insider E-newsletter
After printing the last Harvester in Winter 2021, we now keep our alumni informed monthly with updates on the happenings on campus, alumni spotlights, and with Prairie staff, students and faculty news.
Prairie Prayer Points (by email or mail)
You are so vital to the kingdom work that happens every day here at Prairie, and we hope you will take some time to join us in prayer each month.
Prison Bible Encounter Enews
We have a unique opportunity to share about what God is doing in our prisons through our Prison Bible Encounter program. Sign up to receive the program’s newsletter.
Servant Magazine (by email or mail)
Starting in 1989 we’ve been publishing world-class content about what God is doing in the world through His people.
For setup Subscription Preferences, click here.
We love blessing our alumni! From our first graduates in 1927, Prairie has a long history of supporting our students through to graduation and for many years after. Here are a few of the ways we like to give back to our alumni for their many years of supporting Prairie.
Published a book? Send us a copy and we’ll place it in our campus library with a Prairie logo on the spine for easy reference for our students. Please include a note to our librarian, Emily Kroeker, or email her at
Recognized professionally? We want to celebrate your achievements and share them with your fellow alumni. Email us at
At Prairie, we recognize the significance of prayer in both individual lives and in the corporate, worldwide Body of Christ. Just as we are committed to praying for those here within our own community, we also pray regularly for our extended Prairie community — our alumni, supporters and friends. Please submit your prayer requests to
We hope you enjoy this online edition of Family Album and With the Lord, originally found in the Harvester magazine, about the people you shared your lives with during your time at Prairie. Each one is precious in the sight of the Lord and we hope you are encouraged by what God has done and is doing in their lives. If you have an update about yourself or someone we may have missed, or would like to contact someone mentioned here, please email us at
We love it when alumni get involved in helping us recruit new students. The number one source of Prairie’s growth as a school comes through the efforts of our alumni community. We hope you’ll continue to engage with us and others online. Your support makes a difference!
Box 4000
Three Hills, AB T0M 2N0
Phone: 403.443.5511
TollFree: 1.800.661.2425
2024 © Prairie College
All rights reserved
Operation Fridge Door
Each year we send out a card of each of our students to our alumni and friends as a reminder to pray for them. This has turned into an amazing blessing for our students!
Prairie Prayer Points Subscription
A huge thank you to all of you who faithfully pray for Prairie, its ministry, leadership, staff, students, families, facilities, and finances. We trust that you are richly blessed as you approach God’s throne of grace on our behalf. Each month we publish our Prairie Prayer Points, and our latest one is below. If you would like to subscribe to receive it by email each month, check “Prayer Points Email” on the Subscription Preferences or email
L.E. Maxwell Award (Alumni Referral)
The L. E. Maxwell Award has been created to provide alumni with tangible tools with which to aid our recruitment efforts. There is no cost to alumni who wish to participate, but you are welcome to give a donation to impact a new student’s life. Prairie would be pleased to present a $1,000 bursary to the student you nominate provided the following terms & conditions are met.
Terms and Conditions for this Award
As a former student, you have been the recipient of faithful gifts from others. As the Lord provides and prompts, would you help keep this legacy going so that others will be able to benefit from your gifts as well? We’re always looking to find ways of connecting our alumni with our students. The wealth of knowledge and experience of those who have gone before us is priceless.
Alumni can contribute to Prairie in various ways, by volunteering their time, talent or resources. We would love to discuss any means you would like to use to assist present and future Prairie students. Send a note to to start a conversation today.
Help us promote Prairie with this Media Kit. If you would like more printed materials or other information, please contact
March is free application month! Canadian and US students can apply for free with promo code MARCH25.
Fall 2025 (September start) and Online Education (start anytime) applications are open.
Prairie welcomes applications from individuals all around the world! To begin the International Student Application please click the link below.
If you are applying for the Master of Christian Ministry Leadership or the Master of Global Christian Educational Leadership please click the link below.
Tell us a bit about yourself and an admissions representative will be in touch shortly!
We have launched our Campaign for Greater Impact to provide students with the very best learning opportunities and campus facilities for the decades ahead.
In Phase One of this Campaign, we plan to invest in much-needed campus renewal, including: upgraded Infrastructure, a new Student Residence, Cafeteria, Worship Auditorium, and expanded Aviation Training Centre. A modern campus requires an investment that is bold, and even expensive, but each Campaign Project is strategic, and designed to enhance Prairie’s campus and student life experience.
This expansion of PATC’s facility is a key project of Prairie’s Campaign for Greater Impact. It will increase the College’s capacity to train a new generation of Christian aviators to serve God in missions, and also address the growing need for trained pilots in the commercial aviation sector.
Invest in the next generation of missional professionals. Each year Prairie College distributes over $500,000 in scholarships and bursaries to students. We are grateful for each gift that reduces the burden of students’ tuition and allows students to fulfill their God-given professions.
Encourage inmates in five institutions across Alberta to discover or reconnect with Jesus Christ. This fund assists the students studying the Certificate in Bible program with scholarships, resources for classes, and instruction.
Prairie College is educating students to pursue a Biblical foundation for life and career. Your contribution to this fund assists in minimizing the College’s general operating expenses.
To allocate your gift, please select one of the donation buttons below.