“To know Christ and make Him known.”

From the foundation of the school in 1922, our heartbeat has been “To know Christ and make Him known.” We continue in that tradition, in alignment with the global church.

Our Sole Purpose is: To be, and invite others to be, lovers of God…

  • who make disciples,
  • who influence culture, and
  • who build His kingdom

Our Mission:

To help establish God’s kingdom by equipping and mentoring individuals through biblically integrated education for life and careers that will meet the greatest needs of the world for the glory of God.

Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs):

Our heart’s desire is that all our students, while members of our learning community, will be transformed by the Holy Spirit.

Students will be invited to:

  • Be lovers of God
  • Know and be nourished by God through the Scriptures
  • Grow in obedience to Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit
  • Be on mission for the kingdom of God

Statement of Faith

The Statement of Faith provides the biblical foundation of Prairie’s official doctrinal stance. At the same time, it allows for some variation in theological perspective or position where variance is warranted by scripture.

Our Core Values

Prairie is an interdenominational community that is committed to the following values:

Christ-Centered – Christ is the life-transforming centre of, and reason for our learning community. We lovingly follow Him, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and gratefully depend on the Lord Almighty for all our needs.

Bible Based – The Bible is the God-breathed Truth through which He nourishes our community. We willingly obey it and willingly submit our lives, community and program to its authority.

Discipleship Directed – We are a faith community being discipled by one another as followers of Jesus. We diligently teach and eagerly learn His truth to be transformed together into His likeness.

Mission Mandated – God is on mission to bring redemption and reconciliation, sending His Church as ambassadors to the world. We actively respond through lives of servanthood and sacrifice, to honour God and for the good of others.

Safe Learning Environment

Prairie College commits to provide a safe learning environment that supports fair treatment of all members of its community and is conducive to relationships based on biblical teaching, mutual respect, cooperation and understanding.

Prairie does not condone behavior that undermines the dignity, self-esteem, or productivity of any student, staff member or faculty member.